Jan 11, 2010

Frigid Weather Makes Good Creativity Booster!

Well, yes I've taken it easy  a bit, but being inside near all of my paints, scarves, canvases is wonderful! I've been painting so much during this deep freeze. As temperatures plumetted into the the teens, I was grabbing my paintbrushes. As my lawn's blades of grass became frozen, I dragged a brush along the damp silk. Nature was going into a Winter Wonderland Hibernation and my home was nice and warm with the fire of Creativity-and my heater.

Oh, but there's more. I've also watched lots of TV, taken naps and snacked too.  I think balance is key.  I love knowing that things that I've created with love, creativity and hope, wind up in someone's home. It's a wonderful circle of creativity that is so rewarding.

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